jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Ideas to decorate the classroom!

The next task is about how to decorate the classroom.We have to choose some funny pictures and upload them to pinterest.Then, we have to comment the other pictures that had been upload by other classmates and to finish, the 4 pictures more commented will be printed and we will put them in the classroom. These are my pictures..

Any idea?? (:

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Knowing me, knowing you...

First, take this questionaire about my life:

So, this is all! Do you want to check your answers?
 If you want it , see this text about me(:

Hello my name is Nerea and I'm 15 years old.
I live in Motril with my sister Noelia and with my mum Gloria, my legal tutor.
I like to eat sweets like chocolate and ice cream but my favorite food are crepes.
I used to listen to music every day in many places. I like songs like Say when,
Spotlight or Titanium and my favorite band is Nirvana.
I spend days watching TV or going out with my friends or with my boyfriend
but the thing that I never forget is to sing.
I hate go to school.I hate maths but I have a favorite subject, Biology,
 because in the future I would like to be a doctor like my mum.
There are many things in my life that are wrong but I think that the worst is my life...poor of me!


A little part of me..

Hi! my name is Nerea and I'm fifteen years old.
I live in Motril, Granada (Spain) with my mother and my sister.
I like to sing, dance and read books.
My favorite book is The Hunger Games and my favorite colour,purple.
I really love sleep and one day I slept during 12 hours!
I have my little boyfriend,Kevin and many friends like Andrea L and Elvira.